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Liberty defeats the charge-off

In the complex world of credit repair, dealing with charge-offs can significantly impact your financial health. A charge-off occurs when a creditor decides you’re unlikely to pay off your debt and closes your account. However, this doesn’t mean you’re free from the debt; it can still affect your credit score negatively. At, we understand the urgency of addressing charge-offs and offer strategies to possibly remove them from your credit report without making a payment.

What is a Charge-Off?

A charge-off is one of the most detrimental items on your credit report. It indicates that you have not made payments for six months or more. Despite this, creditors can still attempt to collect the debt, and the mark remains on your credit report for seven years, unless action is taken. Equifax, one of the credit reporting agencies, provides an official definition.

How to Remove a Charge-Off Without Paying?

1. Review Your Credit Report

First, obtain a free copy of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Verify the charge-off’s accuracy, looking for any discrepancies in the amount, the date of the first delinquency, and other details.

2. Dispute Inaccuracies

If you find any inaccuracies, file a dispute with the credit bureaus. You must provide evidence to support your claim. The bureau will investigate your dispute within 30 days. If the creditor cannot verify the accuracy of the charge-off, it may be removed from your report.

3. Negotiate a “Pay for Delete” Agreement

While not paying the charge-off as mentioned, negotiating with your creditor can be a gray area that sometimes works. Offer to pay a portion of the debt in exchange for removing the charge-off from your credit report. Get any agreement in writing before making a payment, but keep in mind this will make it more difficult for us to negotiate a full settlement under your Debt Settlement Program and it is better to let us negotiate this as part of your settlement with the creditor.

4. Seek Professional Help

Consider consulting with a credit repair agency or attorney who specializes in debt solutions. These professionals can offer more strategies and negotiate on your behalf, potentially finding a loophole or legal technicality that could get the charge-off removed. Crush Bankruptcy can manage this for you with our partners as part of debt settlement protection.

5. Wait It Out

If all else fails, remember that a charge-off will naturally fall off your credit report after seven years. In the meantime, focus on other aspects of your credit repair, such as paying current bills on time and reducing your overall debt. You can find peace of mind by taking steps to stop the calls from coming in by following our guide on How to Stop Collection Calls.

Preventing Future Charge-Offs

The best strategy is prevention. Keep your credit in good standing by making payments on time, monitoring your credit report regularly, and addressing any financial issues before they escalate into charge-offs.


Removing a charge-off from your credit report without paying is challenging but possible with the right approach and persistence. By understanding your rights and options, you can take steps to repair your credit and improve your financial situation.

For more information on managing debt and improving your credit score, visit We provide resources, advice, and support to help you navigate through your financial challenges and emerge stronger.

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